Building the next generation of hypersonic and defense-ready solid rocket motors.
Evolution is more than just an solid rocket motor (SRM) manufacturer; we are a partner in mission success to strengthen and innovate the United States solid rocket motor industrial base. With a scalable propulsion production facility at the historic NASA Stennis Space Center, and a proven track record of standards exceeding propulsion solutions, Evolution is committed to transforming the SRM supply chain through state-of-the-art propulsion technology for hypersonic and defense-ready systems.
At Evolution, this means more to us than just words. Amongst the new generation SRM providers, Evolution is uniquely capable of boasting proven hypersonic and space capable SRM performance, having passed the Kármán line in April of 2023. We focused on relentless iterative testing to perfect reliable, versatile, and cost effective products and processes first, saving the Department of Defense years of R&D investments and significantly reducing the costs to US taxpayers.
Just like those we serve, we are here to get the job done and protect the freedoms that allowed us to become the Evolution Space and Energetics Corp.

Built in the USA, for the USA and Their Allies.
Evolution is a American company with a national presence, leveraging the best talent and facilities our country has to offer.
Evolution is headquartered in Mojave, California, with a state-of-the-art propulsion center at the historic NASA Stennis Space Center, Mississippi, and a government relations office in Washington, DC.


At Evolution, we understand that quality, timely, and cost effective tactical solutions empower and protect the brave men and women on the front lines who work hard to keep our nation safe. Solid rocket motors (SRMs) are at the heart of this, and Evolution is resolved to continue our work leading the next generation of SRM providers for the transformation and growth of the US industrial base. Contact us today to find out more.

Evolution provides state-of-the-art solid rocket motor solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of hypersonic and space ventures. Our comprehensive services encompass design, development, manufacturing, and testing, ensuring reliable and cost-effective vertically integrated systems for a wide range of applications. Contact us today to find out more.